Thursday, April 24, 2008

I've been TAGGED!

1. Post the rules
2. Answer all the questions about yourself
3. After you are done posting, tag 5 people.... GO!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
-I was 9 years old. I was living in Salt Lake City, Utah and I was in the 4th grade. I had this crazy crush on my friend Alex, so I was probably chasing him on the playground with my buddy Rebecca during recess and jumping on her trampoline after school. Those were some really good times!

2. Five things on your to do list today:
-Get through work (that's where I am right now)
-Pick up my newly charged scooter battery
-Finish moving my stuff into my new apartment
-Get ready for a wedding reception
-Dance the night away with my buddies

3. Snacks I enjoy:
-ice cream, popcorn, cereal, cheese & crackers, granola bars

4. What would I do if I was suddenly a billionaire.
-I hate to spend my money (I would rather spend my mom's), so I would put lots into savings. But I would treat myself to a small shopping spree for cute summer clothes, buy a new Honda Civic or Nissan Altima, donate lots of money to those in need, travel the world a little bit with whoever wanted to come, buy a cute little house so I wouldn't have to pay rent, and buy my family tons of presents!

5. Three bad habits:
-I am addicted to chewing ice! I love cold water with LOTS of ice... so refreshing!
-I'm always thinking of more efficient ways to do things... (Jeremy hates it when I tell him to take certain routes just because I think they might be a minute faster)... why don't I just sit back and relax?
-I don't like waiting... really for anything. I need to learn patience.

6. Five places I've lived:
-Salt Lake City, UT
-Casper, WY
-Las Vegas, NV
-Provo, UT

7. Five jobs I've had
-Asst. Manager at Pier 1
-Cleanliness Engineer (Custodian) on Campus
-Register people for Camps and Confrences

8. Five things that people don't know about me:
-I love Italian Sodas. They are one of my favorite things. If you have never had one, go get one! I recommend the raspberry flavor. They are so good!
-I don't ever want a pet, besides a fish. They are just so needy. I would rather spend time with people anyways... not animals. But fish are fun. I like fish.
-I'm very particular about how the dishwasher is loaded. If I think it can be done a better way, I actually spend time reorganizing the whole thing. Weird.. I know.
-I skipped kindergarten after going for about a month. They just moved me up to the first grade, because I could read. Sad... kindergarten is one of the best years.
-I have horrible study habits. After only an hour of studying for a test, I decide I need a break, and I get distracted. Then I study for like an hour more, get sick of studying, and go take the test. I seem to be surviving, though, so that's a plus!

TAG, You're it!: Mom, Riley, Rebecca, Lindsey, Jeremy (haha... Have fun!)


Courtney said...

I have a thing about loading the dishwasher too. Don't ever let my mom load your dishwasher - she is really great but she sucks at dishwasher loading!


I have dishwasher issues too. You'll be a great mom! And I really like your reasoning for no pets. Next time my kids give me the guilt trip about 'no pets' I'll explain to them that it is better to spend our time learning to love people!!! Thanks Katie! kelli

The Pili Aiga said...

No wonder we get along so great....I am an italian cream soda lover too. I have a collection of spaghetti factory cups from when I was in college until now. If you buy one there, you get to take the glass home. I made it my goal to have a whole collection for when I got married. Of course, I've never used them, but I have them. How many times would you use tall skinny glassware with five kids...not sure what I was thinking. The soda was AWESOME though. :0)

Anonymous said...

hmm... I wonder what Alex is doing? hahahaha.