Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Where's Romania?

For all those that have been waiting in anticipation just like I have, I have an announcement.... I am going to ROMANIA for the fall semester. I am so excited! I just got an email today saying that I was accepted for the internship program through BYU. Here is the link if you want to know more information about it: http://kennedy.byu.edu/isp/isp.php?id=141. Or I can give you the quick summary instead. Basically, I will be working in the orphanages over there for three hours every morning and also doing service at the Children's Hospital and other organizations for three hours in the afternoon. I will be there for the whole fall semester, so about 3.5 months. I will be learning Romanian this spring and I will start trying to get everything ready to go. I just want to quick thank everyone who has been so supportive of me going. You guys are the best! Here is a map for those of you who are actually wondering where Romania is... don't feel bad, I didn't know at first either. (its the purple country below the big red one)


Barb said...

Woo Hoo & Boo Hoo

Courtney said...

That'll be a great experience.

Kamy said...

Congratulations! That will be a wonderful experience for you!

Lisa Mc said...

I am so happy for you!!! My friends daughter went and loved it!
You have so much to offer those small children. It will be a life changing experience for you. We will miss you and your laugh.

Jamie and Mike said...

Sounds so exciting...congrats Katie! I'm sure you'll have an amazing experience that will never be forgotten.


Wow, what a great opportunity! You'll be so great...I think they'll never every forget you. kelli

Unknown said...

aww katie!!I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! this will be such a GREAT EXPIERENCE FOR YOU!but im going to be honest...im a little bummed out that you wont b ethere for along time when i move there! i love you katie! and if you ever need anything from me just ask!

The Pili Aiga said...

AWESOME!!! You will have an experience that will change your life forever :) Congratulations..you will be a huge blessing to the children you will be serving and will never forget your time there. You will have to keep us continually posted. Maybe we could set up a pen pal system with my class at school?