Monday, December 1, 2008

NOW Its Time

One thing that I have a hard time with is everyone getting ready for Christmas so early. It definitely should not be allowed. Someone should set up some kind rule that the Christmas season is not allowed to start until December. What about Thanksgiving? The GRATITUDE holiday? A lot of stores start getting in there Christmas merchandise at the end of September. That's even before Halloween and two months early in my opinion. At this rate when I have my little kiddies, the stores will be getting their Christmas stuff in in August and they will think Christmas is just around the corner. False... it will still be 4 months away! I'm not really sure why I think that it is such a serious offense to start preparing for Christmas early, but it just drives me crazy!...
Sorry I just had to get that out, but now that its December it is pretty much irrelevant...
because once December hits I completely embrace Christmas! I turn from my Grinch self into a Christmas Enthusiast. I am all about everything Christmas. I only listen to Christmas music and that sometimes annoys the little brothers. But I just love it! I am so excited for the giving, the shopping chaos, and the kindness that is in the air. I also love listening to my favorite Christmas music: Nat King Cole. Its a classic and must have during this wonderful holiday season! I blasted it throughout the whole house this morning and loved every minute of it.
(I'm sure the neighbors did, too.)

(look at him... I bet he sang every song from this cozy room right by the fire)

1 comment:


Sometimes I wonder why I even put the Christmas stuff away. It seems like I just put it away, and it's time to pull it back out. (not really, but ya, I totally agree with you). kelli