Saturday, February 28, 2009

my project

i have been working on a way fun art project for the past couple of days.
i am taking a history of creativity class this semester to fullfull one of my generals. it has been so fun. i really like studying all of the arts and technology stuff in the past centuries. instead of having a final paper due at the end of the semester, we have a creative project. it isn't due until the end of april, but after i figured out what i wanted to do i just couldn't help myself.

it all started with this (a picture of my cute husband)

which led to all of this

and finally after three days...


Brett and Heather said...

WOW!! Katie, I'm impressed!! Maybe you need to change you major to art.

Barb said...

Love the picture! You have done it so fast.
xo mom

Lacey said...

I had no idea you were so artsy! Love the pic!