Friday, February 19, 2010

endless possibilities

i am excited for the weekend. ok, i am so excited for the weekend.

the funniest thing is that we don't even have any plans. i love not having plans.

without weekend plans the possibilities are endless.

we could... roast marshmallows over the stove and tell scary stories, go out to eat and only order desserts, feed the ducks at the duck pond, do a photo shoot downtown of ourselves (we have to remember these younger years) while we drink italian sodas , enjoy j-dawgs for dinner- don't forget the special sauce,create self portraits out of construction paper, run around the moa (museum of art) and try to interpret that modern stuff, make sugar cookies- lots of sugar cookies, make a progressive dinner from the restaurants downtown, start a major craft project (not sure jeremy would love this activity as much as i would), munch on popcorn and watch a redbox movie, go ice skating and hold hands the whole time, try our luck at the nickelcade and spend our winnings on fake tattoos, bundle up and people watch from a bench, toilet paper our buddies' cars, taste test the fries from our favorite burger places around.... etc, etc, etc.

see???... endless! i love it.

i wonder what our date night and lazy saturday will consist of... can't wait to find out.

any fun things you will be doing this weekend?

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