Thursday, April 15, 2010

shorted $573.75

i sold some books back to the bookstore today.
and i have very mixed feelings about it.

good: i now have $126.25 in crisp bills and shiny coins.

bad: i spent over $700 on them.

so glad i don't have to do that again.

i don't like to think about the "bad." it gets me all riled up. so let's concentrate on
my overflowing wallet instead. yeah... i am feeling much better already.

i think a shopping outing is in order, after i finish my finals of course. it just isn't safe to
carry all that cash around, and depositing money... who knows how to do that anymore?
i'm thinking a new skirt for my graduation sounds appropriate for my last semester's
worth of book money.

yup... definitely going shopping.

well, gotta get back to studying... these theories on identity are just not going away.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I always consider buying books at the beginning of the semester a complete loss. Or investment without monetary dividends, I guess. That way, when the end of the semester rolls around, I'm just excited to be getting any money! It's much less depressing that way.