Monday, July 19, 2010


jeremy and i went to our friends' house for dinner last night.

they prepared a delicious pork roast; some wheat rolls; spinach salad with cranberries and pecans; peas with some sort of nuts mixed in; and cooked carrots with turnips.

by reading those dish descriptions, you can imagine that my plate was kind of sparse. i had a roll, some meat, and i ended up taking some cooked carrots to fill my plate a little bit. as long as they are cooked and covered in sugar, i can get those puppies down.

about halfway through the meal, jeremy noticed my friend looking at my plate and then she turned to me and said, "are you allergic to anything?"

CRAP! she noticed! oh NO!

she thought i might have been allergic to nuts and she was ready to whip me up my own personal vegetable dishes sans the nuts. i told her that was really not necessary... i was not allergic to anything, i am just not a fan of veggies. then jeremy chimed in and said that i was a really picky eater. i quickly recounted my recent attempts to try some vegetables and how i really haven't been successful and then we moved on to other topics of discussion... fortunately.

on the way back to our place jeremy and i chatted about the calamity -yes it was a calamity! all he really said was, "maybe you should work on that katie." "that" being eating more vegetables. well, hey- i am! if they didn't all taste like grass maybe i would have a little more luck.

p.s. we may never get invited over for dinner again... maybe dessert, but not dinner.

1 comment:

lizzie said...

So, I know this might be a stretch...but if you like sweet things, try baby spinach leaves doused (and I mean use a lot) of the poppyseed dressing.

I prefer to put it in tupperware and shake it after pouring the dressing on to coat the entire leaf with dressing.

But seriously, you can't taste the spinach...