Thursday, July 29, 2010


hey guys!

i ate squash last night. true story.

mostly because someone else cooked us dinner and the squash was grated and hidden inside the delicious chicken enchiladas... but hey- i knew the squash was there and i still ate it. woot woot!

maybe i should take this approach (hiding the veggies in my food) for a while instead of attempting to just eat the veggies straight up... gross! i might even venture to try some smoothies with fruit and spinach, too. maybe i could handle those, but they might come out too green.

any favorite smoothie recipes out there?


Jessica said...

Bleh, I love veggies but I cannot handle them in beverage form.

Amanda Orfanos said...

Have you heard of the book Deceptively Delicious? Jerry Seinfeld's wife wrote it and it has recipes to trick kids into eating in brownies and such. You should check it out! :)