Monday, August 16, 2010

at least they feed me

i'm back (from the road trip) and i've been tossed into the most intense week of the year here at work
- i knew it was coming. our days start at 6:30 in the morning and go until 9:30 at night and we don't get breaks, but we do get fed every meal. really though... it's nuts! by friday we have spent so much time together and we are so sleep deprived that all propriety as long since vanished. we get quite punchy and seem to have more and more sass. it's sure fun.

quick story from today's craziness...
(one of many this week maybe)

ok, so a little -scratch that- a big wind storm attacked us at our post today- the post i'm responsible for and in charge of... awesome.

papers were flying... flying AWAY. i was shrieking. easels and signs were crashing. we were running and chasing the loot- in our skirts that blew all over. it was quite the fiasco. we eventually got everything moved to safety (aka inside) with the help of our poor customers and then we were able to take a couple of deep breaths.

i guess i could have called for some assistance from my buddies on the walkie (as in walkie-talkie)... but i didn't want to flood the walkie lines with the chaos that ensued. pure chaos, i tell you. can you just imagine?

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!! Everything is blowing away!!"
"Oh, what's that Katie?"
"Emergency, Emergency! The wind is taking OVER!"
"Katie we can't understand you."
"Do you need help?"
"The signs are DOWN, the easels are CRASHING, papers are going everywhere!! AAAAHHHHH!"

but no worries... i took care of it- with my amazing crew. no big deal.
really... they make my job too easy.

oh and towards the end of the day (when it was pleasant again- sunny with no breeze), one customer asked us if we had thought about putting the tables, signs, and papers outside so that people could see them better. HA!! thank you sir!

and it's only monday... may the insanity continue!


Sarah said...

I would have thought you were exaggerating if I wasn't there! So funny.

Monique said...

haha, i loved this. I could just picture myself in that same situation. Where do you work?!

Lindsay Pace said...

Ha Ha! I don't miss it very much, but I sure can relate!