Saturday, August 21, 2010

oh, brother!

ok, so maybe i am the worst sister... exactly one week ago it
was riley's birthday. i was out on the road, so while we mailed him a sweet bow tie and he
got a phone call with an AMAZING rendition of happy birthday produced by richie, jeremy,
and me from the car, he never got his birthday post like the rest of the fam
(here, here, and here)
-not that he really cares, or even noticed.

my deepest apologies rye, because really you deserve more. so....


the big 18! wow... how are you so old?!

here is the stud sky diving on his b-day

you are such a cool kid and a great brother! you make music videos with me, you
laugh at all of my dumb jokes, and you even listen to the girl advice i give you. i LOVE
how you are never too cool to just hang with your sister
instead of chilling with
your buddies. you really are a great person; i love you little brother. sorry i couldn't be
home to eat the delicious wafer cake with you- but hey, i get to see you soon.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Katie, the Zumba class is $5/per class or $30/month. She teaches 6 days a week, so I definitely get my money's worth paying for a month! Let me know if you ever want to come try it out. It's so much fun! (Plus I've seen those music videos you and your bro make--you've got some moves!) ;)