Friday, October 8, 2010

10 Day Challenge

Remember how Stephanie Nielson came and spoke at BYU about loving
your beauty... well, the Recapturing Beauty campaign continues!

and i LOVE it!

The 10 Day Challenge:
"The purpose of the 10 Day challenge is to offer one exercise each day that will encourage participants to address the way they view themselves and help them develop a greater love and appreciation for who they are as divine beings. The exercises presented in the challenge are designed to shift our focus away from the messages of the world and into a place from within; a place where we are completely conscious of what true beauty is. As we continue to practice and develop these types of exercises that focus on discovering beauty from within, we can feel at peace with ourselves and appreciate the blessed gift that our bodies are."

I love this! I always need the reminder to be grateful for my body rather than wishing it was a different size, shape, or composition. You should do the 10 day challenge with me... let's love our beauty- inside and out! Just go here to get the details for each day. Even if you aren't here at BYU to sign up, just download the calendar of challenges and follow along to be inspired by great quotes and meaningful scriptures that teach us what true beauty is.

I am excited guys... if you couldn't already tell.