Tuesday, October 19, 2010


i'm in it.

yes, sir. i need to get serious about this GRE business. i have been studying here and there, but i really need to buckle down. this one test determines my future: grad school or no grad school. and this one test is coming up... FAST. in approximately 10 days (10 DAYS!!), i am taking it whether i am ready or not (hide and seek, anyone?). and i really want to go to grad school. and i really want to learn more about how to help other people. and i really want to be a therapist.

so here's to studying... studying hard, and hopefully succeeding! here we go.

1 comment:

Sarah Orme said...

Try kaplan's vocabulary flash cards. They were the most helpful to me.

Good luck!

That test is, (with complete honesty) the worst.