Monday, February 14, 2011


I just got reprimanded
for my out of office auto-reply email, which reads something like this:
(names, places, dates, and extensions have been changed to protect the innocent)

I am out of the office until Monday, July 11, 2011 around 3 pm. I'm just kicking it in Sweden. If you need help in the mean time you can contact: Felix 8-9534 or Penelope 8-1346. Sorry for the inconvenience... I hope the rest of your day rocks!



Some don't appreciate my personality (just one person really) ... so rather than just not loving it, they have killed it. I guess my e-mail wasn't professional enough. It now reads:

I am out of the office until Monday, July 11, 2011.

see? killed it.

Post edit: I am not really out of the office until Monday, July 11, 2011. I just picked a random date... but that would be awesome.



I find it refreshing. And funny. Too bad some people got skipped over when they were handing out sense of humors.

Mandy said...

Why are you out of the office until July 11th?

Katie said...

ha! i'm not... i just made up a date (to protect the innocent). haha! but that would be awesome if i was out of the office until July 11th. :)

Monique said...

haha, too bad... i love it!

Allison said...

Yeah I'm so sorry. I know how you feel... Some people are just no fun.

Annie said...

hahaha That is so Katie. I bet I know who made you get rid of it...