Thursday, November 24, 2011

give thanks!

in the spirit of thanksgiving, here are 100 things i am thankful for:

jeremy (my HOT husband), my fun parents, my little brothers, jeremy's family, cell phones, skype, traditions, airplanes, popcorn, knitting, colorful yarn, easy knitting patterns, hot chocolate, ice cream, temples, good friends, working out, neon workout clothes, my ipod, music, smiles, hugs, jeremy's kisses, love, laughter, Jesus Christ, prayer, my scriptures, my testimony, getting into grad school, jeremy getting into dental school, living in a fun place to explore, friendly's, cameras, fun new lenses, a new computer, tennis courts, the basketball season hasn't started, we don't have cable (and i LOVE it), good movies, my internship in Romania, the Romanian orphans, my blood clot, life, faith, modern medicine, my moccasins, my hair, nail polish, warm blankets, going to sleep, lazy sunday mornings, a clean house, touring Europe with my momma, my childhood, disneyland, huntington beach, s'mores, bright swimsuits, chinese food, pictures, memories, blogging, books, turkey, pumpkin pie - with LOADS of whipped cream, christmas music, the giving christmas spirit, mittens, scarves, warm coats, my bright yellow backpack, public transportation, rainy days (when i have no where to be), fireworks, sparklers, metallic anything, rubik's cubes, vacations, crunchy fall leaves, ducks, the color orange, our car, learning new things, meeting new people, peace, opportunities to serve others, warm cookies, fun socks, time, family, grandparents, children, weddings, our apartment, my bed, pillows, flowers, health, and YOU!

there is always something to be grateful for. have an enjoyable day!

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