Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas!

last week:

jeremy: christmas isn't about presents, katie...

me: yes it is!

i love presents just as much as the next person (and then some!) and we didn't open presents until 2:00 this afternoon. it was pretty much torture. but i got these BEAUTIFUL boots.

awwwww.... i LOVE them. i also got lots of awesome movies, pretty scarves and cardigans, yarn that is just waiting to be made into fun things, a day trip to NYC, and other fun stuff. christmas is the BEST!

i love presents and they are my favorite, but in all seriousness i really do love focusing on Christ. i love reading the account of His birth in luke 2, singing christmas hymns, and contemplating His love for each of us. i know that my savior lives. He loves me and He loves you. through Christ i know that i can be forgiven of my sins and become a better person. by coming to Christ in my trials, i feel peace, comfort, and strength. i love that we have time to focus on Christ, His example, His life, and His sacrifice for us. may you have the true spirit of christmas in your hearts throughout the christmas season (and maybe get some fun presents along the way).

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