Sunday, January 29, 2012

day tripper

yesterday we hopped on a bus and took off for NYC

we met jeremy's family for a day of serious fun.
we had a delicious lunch and fancy desserts at caf un deux trois,
we saw Mary Poppins on Broadway and were quite impressed,
i just had to have the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bag,
we walked around times square and checked out the street vendors
where i bought a beautiful green scarf for only 5 dollas,
we visited the m&m store and bought some pretty m&ms,
we walked around a bit more and saw the empire state building,
and then we boarded a Boston-bound bus and were home before midnight.

i love a day trip to NYC... can't wait to do that again!


Kelsie Thueson said...

ok...I'm seriously envious of this!! HOW FUN!!! NYC is my home in the next life. I LOVE it!!

Erica said...

Oh I love Mary Poppins on Broadway! The kids are fantastic! You should definitely come back to NYC!

Harrison and Christine said...

Jealous! How fun to live close to so many big cities ;)

Unknown said...

Let me know when you come again and we'll meet up!

April said...

that sounds like SO much fun!!!