Thursday, February 9, 2012

a little tired

yesterday was an exhausting day. i'm not really sure what was so exhausting
about it, but all i know is that my legs were telling me they were TIRED.

to make matters worse, on the way home i missed my bus stop. yep. sure did.
i forgot to press the button to request the stop and we just drove
right past it.
as soon i as i realized we were driving away from, no longer
to, my beloved abode, i'm pretty sure i audibly said, oh shoot! and
hurried to press the button.

so i trudged on home, backtracking where the bus drove and then up the hill
to our place until i finally made it. i headed straight for the couch
dropping everything as i went.

jeremy later asked, "what's this?" referring to the creative display of items.
my reply: "it's called a meltdown."

1 comment:

Barb said...

Ohhh sorry about your meltdown!