Tuesday, March 6, 2012

process group

quick story from my internship:

yesterday we had a process group (a group where we ask the kids what they want to talk about or "process" that's hopefully related to staying sober). my co-facilitator asked if anyone had a topic they wanted to process. one boy said, "i want to process the streak in katie's hair.... i think it's awesome."

suddenly questions were shooting at me from all different directions, including "is it natural?" funny kids. i mostly just smiled and said thanks trying not to actually entertain the distracting topic. my co-facilitator stepped in, "now that we have processed katie's hair, does anybody have a topic more relevant to recovery?" luckily, a client did and we ended up having a great group discussion.

my streak is only a few inches long these days... but i'm glad some think it's cool rather than totally lame since it's so grown out.

1 comment:

Barb said...

This is so funny... the streak!