Monday, August 13, 2012

a year

as of last week we have lived in Boston for a whole year!

crazy. i can't believe how quickly time flies. we are sure having fun. i remember the drive here... we were downright scared, but we got settled quickly and never looked back. we have learned to navigate the subways and learned to live without some of our favorite places that just didn't seem to make out to the east coast. we love living just north of the city so we can escape all of the big city commotion, but we are still close enough to be in the heart of the city in just 25 minutes. we love taking public transportation to get to school and we also love the diversity - so many different kinds of people. there is so much to see in this little corner of the world. here's to three more years in this fun place! can't wait for the adventures ahead.

1 comment:

Janna said...

I can't believe you've been gone so long! Boston is great, I'm so glad you're loving it!