Thursday, September 27, 2012


sometimes a single day can just be too overwhelming.  

everything seems hard, or complicated, or unfair, where everything
 seemed fine the day before.  things that seemed so manageable morph into things that
are too much to bear.  suddenly, there are new things to take on, decisions 
to worry about, and people to pray for. 

and it all happens so fast. and for a moment, or for more than 
a moment, maybe a whole day, it all seems like the worst. like nothing 
else could possibly complicate life.


 the prayers are said and the comfort comes.
the time is taken and the mind is rested.
the phone calls are made and the soul is rejuvenated.
sleep is enjoyed and the body is ready.

and slowly the worst is manageable again, even welcomed, 
because the worst is never the worst.

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