Saturday, December 8, 2012


i spent a good part of the  
day working on a final for one of my classes.
the experience of it all was quite beautiful. (nerd? maybe. lover of humanity? yes.)  can i just say that i love what i do?  social work is the but that's not the topic i intended for today...

the funny thing is, is that this paper isn't due until midnight on december 16th!
 whoa!  and why do i have 9.5 pages done already?  
i don't really know how this happened.

you see... i used to be the BEST at procrastinating.
my momma can attest to this. there were multiple assignments throughout my junior high school years that i would start at 10:00 pm the night before they were due. projects we were supposed to be spending weeks and weeks on. remember those science projects, mom? 

i was a top-notch avoider.  
avoiding the work until the last possible hour.  it was a mess.  
i eventually discovered that a change was in order, after many almost sleepless nights and less than pleased parents, so i set goals.  that will get you right on track, right?  ha!  
i remember every year my new year's resolution became:

don't procrastinate

i guess i'm a slow learner because this was my goal year after year.  for reals.
something happened along the way though, and i can't really pinpoint when or what it was. 
i guess i actually made some effort in kicking this procrastination habit.

 i became better at not procrastinating... sometimes.  i thought i had conquered it, but even doing my undergrad every once in a while i would become that familiar avoider. i remember the first paper of my college career.  i was starting it the night before it was due and calling my parents in tears saying i couldn't do it.  stressful stuff.  not my proudest moment.

it's nice that as we get older we get better at some things and worse at others. these days i am getting worse at procrastinating (or we could say better at not procrastinating). i think i am currently at my personal peak for not procrastinating.  humor me while i share... i'm kind of tickled about it.  i turned in a paper a week early on tuesday, made note cards for a test i have next friday, and will turn in this current paper about five days early.  finals is almost stress-free.  :)

when did procrastination take such a backseat in my life?
i have no idea... but i'm loving it. (maybe it was when i discovered that writing was fun. who takes a break from writing a huge paper to write a huge blog post??)

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