Saturday, January 5, 2013

a new year...

means new goals!   
i love pondering life and thinking about what i need more or less of in mine.  
 here are my goals for the year:

exercise because i want to
this year i want to exercise because i want to, not because i "have" to.  i want to keep my heart healthy, not obsess about working out to change my body.  there is more to life! i want to listen to my body, not overwork it.

read for fun
i love reading.  anytime i get a break from school, i read like crazy.  i hope to read more for fun this year, which will be easy-peasy after i graduate in may, but i want to try to read for fun even while i am still in school.

try something new
i want to create more.  use my hands.  take risks.  not be afraid to fail.  i think i will take an art class of some sort (sketching, watercolor, calligraphy, etc) after i graduate.  just to try something new and keep learning.

don't weigh myself for the year
scales are for fish not people.  my weight doesn't matter.  numbers don't mean anything.  it's about how i feel and how my clothes fit.  i don't need a number to validate me or bring me down.

dance party every week
sometimes my body just needs to be free to wiggle and move as it pleases, so why not just blast some tunes for ten minutes and get moving?!  plus i think a little dancing is good for the soul.

knit something challenging
i have been sticking to safe things ever since i picked up my first knitting needles in 2009.  this is the year that i will try to tackle something new (stuffed animals i hope!).  i also want to knit longer than just the winter months.

take vitamins
because we all know i am not getting enough veggies in my diet.  so let's skip the "try to eat veggies" goal this year and just go for taking a multi-vitamin and fish oil every day.  mission accomplished!

we'll see how this goes!


Natalie said...

I too will not purchase a scale for our new place. Not worth attaching emotion to the number I see. I need to knit more too! The parties should move to Maine :)

Barb said...

i love the vitamin goal... xoxoxo