Monday, March 4, 2013


Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Here are 27 things that I love about you, handsome boy!

You are so sweet to me.
You make me laugh.
You are a hard worker.
You are smart.
You are up for my crazy adventures.
You surprise me.
You support me.
You are humble.
You believe in me.
You love our families.
You know Christ lives.
You will be an awesome dad.
You tell me you love me everyday.
You do the laundry.
You build me up.
You are kind to everyone.
You let me take tons of pictures.
You serve others.
You dance with me at parties.
You make my heart melt.
You let me be me.
You sing all the time.
You are honest.
You are athletic.
You make me want to be better.
You love life.
You love me.

You make me so happy Jeremy.  I am so glad that we get to celebrate YOU today! I am lucky, so lucky, to have you as my best friend.  I can't imagine my life without you in it, sweets.  You are the best.  Happy Birthday!


Barb said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! We are sure glad you married Katie!

LaVonne said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy!!