Tuesday, March 26, 2013

first interview

i had my first interview this morning -for a real social work job- 
and i here i am all ready for the shindig:

oh yes... i am in a suit!  holler.  

the catch is, my interview was over the phone.  
ha.  i know... i think i am so funny.  

i remember in high school taking one of my AP tests and a girl showed up to the test in a bright red dress with heels.  i was so confused by her attire.  i was proudly sporting moccasin slippers and sweatpants.  i remember her citing some research to a group of curious peers about dressing for success to be in the right mentality blah, blah, blah.  i didn't apply her logic for the rest of my AP tests that year (which may or may not be the reason i had mixed results), but i figured hey, why not apply it 7 years later.  so as my phone rang at 9:01 this morning (he was a minute late), i jumped into my ruffly black flats, gathered my resume, and perched myself confidently on the couch.  i was ready to rock it.  turns out that i was interviewing them.  he barely asked me any questions, his main one being, "Do you have any questions for me?"  he told me about the position, benefits, duties, supervision, pay, training opportunities, etc. and then at the end asked, "Do you want to think about it and get back to me or would you like to come in for another interview?"  well, seeing as i am jobless and could learn a TON in the position, i of course said i want to come in.  and that is how i got another interview folks.  i got some real skills.  so my in-person interview is set up for next week.  yay!  i might have to actually answer some questions this time though... hopefully i won't choke.

1 comment:

Barb said...

You go girl in the power suit! xoxo