I am a lover of sweats. They make me smile. They're so comfy. I wish I could live in them. Jenn responds, "You do live in them, Katie." This is true. But I wish I could live in them and not get weird looks from people. This is not a complete laziness issue. I mean who is the smarter one here. I am choosing to walk around campus in complete bliss, while others are choosing to walk around in restricting tight jeans and high heels. High heels? I don't understand high heels at school. I love high heels when I am dressing up for some fun event, but for class... ugh... torture. "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured" (Gordon B. Hinckley)... even for your feet. Go with the sneakers. Your feet will be so happy. I love comfy sweats and shoes. I usually do get dressed most days of the week though. I just appreciate the days that I can chill in my blissful clothes.
Katie, you are a girl after my own heart!
Amen, Sister! Although, I am more of a flip flop girl. Even less work to through on your Rainbows.
Katie you think you love sweats now... wait till you are about three months prego and your jeans are digging into your stomach but you can't force yourself to by maternity jeans. Then your love will reach a whole new level.
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