Friday, February 22, 2008

LENT (attempted)

so i thought Lent would be a cool thing to do this year. i'm not catholic or anything but i wanted to see if i could give up something for 40 days. apparently i cannot. i tried to give up sweets. all sweets. can we say suicide? what was i thinking? i couldn't eat ice cream, cookies, candy, cake, brownies, etc. i did allow myself to have hot chocolate though because it's cold outside. i was completely dedicated to the idea of Lent even after i had failed to get my friends to try it with me, until i was confronted by a milkshake. i just had to have some. so i did. and i failed. i went a whopping 4 days without sweets. pathetic? yeah...pathetic. good thing im not catholic.


Unknown said...

haha aww katie ya good thing youre not catholic huh;)love ya!


You inspired me! I thought I'd try lent too, and of course, had to blog it. Kelli

Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Maybe you should try something else to give up to make yourself feel better... I don't know, like salad or all green vegetables. I bet you've gone like 17,438 days w/o those things.