Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I have two weeks left in this semster... I am so excited... and so done. I have enjoyed my classes overall, except Statistics. That's definitely not my favorite class, but hey... I'm done with it in like 14 days, so whatever. I seriously can't wait. I have one week of classes and then the last week is for finals... I'm not really sure how well they will all go. But there is more to life than my grades so its all ok.

Oh and it snowed again today... the weather is something I don't really understand. This morning I got all ready for class and opened the door, and was greeted by pouring rain. I had to change my flip-flops and also grab a coat when I was alrady running late. It was pretty comical. I was only ten minutes late and I snuck in the side of my class, so it wasn't bad at all. After my first class, I went outside and was pounded with snow. I felt like I was combatting a blizzard... in April. What?! None of the snow stuck so it was pretty harmless and good for the grass.

And how was that game tonight. Unbelievable! I still can't believe that Kansas actually got that three-pointer with 3 seconds to go. Way to have a plan of action and have it really work. I was sincerely impressed. It was so intense. What a game. So fun to watch. Sorry to all those that are die hard Memphis fans or those that had anybody but Kansas winning for their brackets. Hopefully you didn't put any money down, because gambling is a messy addiction. Like meth. Its just not worth it.


skyler said...

Ya, we totally get the 'snow thing'. I think we've earned a beautiful, green spring and summer! Good luck with finals. kelli

Unknown said...

thats SO EXCITING! that school is almost out katie! im excited to start in may tho:)anad that is crazy about the weather! haha :)

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