Thursday, June 5, 2008

I got a TURKEY!

Today I bowled a 196. WOOOHOO! Can you believe it? I sure couldn't. The first game we played I only scored an 84....but I was just warming up. In the second game I got 5 strikes (two in a row and then three in a row) and 3 spares which resulted in a score of 196. I'm pretty sure that is the highest score that I have ever gotten! I just kept getting strikes... it was crazy!



If that ever happened to me, I would start to suspect that I was on 'hidden camera' or something. It's just never gonna happen, but happy day for you! Wahooo. kelli

jeremy said...

I was there! I was a witness! She did so good!

The Pili Aiga said...

Go Katie!!!