Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm Home!

I just got back from college and I am home to stay... for about two months. I am excited to be done with classes for a while. I have been going to school for a solid year. I just want to relax and I am glad to be with my family. I have been home for about 15 minutes and I already miss Jeremy like crazy. It will be a long summer. I don't have enough time to get a job, so if anyone wants me to watch their kids, their house, etc. while they go out of town, give me a call.


jeremy said...

Awww I already miss you too Katie. But you'll have a great time with your family and we'll have so much fun in Maryland. I heard that someone wants you to watch their apartment here in Provo, so if you want I can tell them you can, haha, jk. Talk to you soon Katie

Brett and Heather said...

Hey Katie--
I'm looking for someone to hang out with our kids on June 30th and July 1st. Both Brett and I are working those days. It's 7:30am to 5:30 pm....a long day (10 hours). Let me know if you are interested. I pay pretty well.

Joshua said...

Hey Katie! We miss you too ... life isn't as fun without you around. So should we make that January instead of February yet? jk ... lol.


Do you know how badly I wish we were closer? I would LOVE to have someone I could trust, come stay with the kiddies while we go away! I'm sure if the word gets around, you'll be a very busy girl! kelli