Saturday, June 14, 2008

A life is lost...

Last night, Jeremy and I headed to the duck pond for a picnic. It was about 8:30. We sat down on a slight hill and we were facing the street. I had just emptied my bag with all of our goodies to eat and we heard a lady scream. We both immediately looked towards the road and saw the lady that screamed hit a duck in her van. The lady was screaming and crying hysterically and she kept looking back at the duck as she drove away. Feathers were everywhere and the duck that got hit started to flap his wings and try to fly away, but he wasn't strong enough. The precious duck layed his head down and he passed away. One of the saddest things we saw was the reaction of the other ducks. Right after the duck was hit, this one duck immediately ran from the pond out towards the street, but the ducks couldn't get to their friend because of the cars that kept driving by. The ducks just sat on the side of the road and stared at their friend for almost 10 minutes. It was so sad. After Jeremy and I ate, we fed the ducks some wheat bread and saltine crackers to help them get over the loss of their friend. Even though there is death and sorrow in the world, there is also birth and happiness. At the duck pond there were about 6 little ducklings that were following their momma in the water. They were so precious. Another momma duck was sitting on her eggs and protecting them from any harm. These little ducks are just getting the opportunity to experience the many sides of life. They are taking their first steps and their first swims. The sadness of the passing away of the duck was eventually replaced as we watched these ducklings play with their brothers and sisters for one of the first times.

1 comment:

Rach said...

oh, katie!! this makes me so sad. good thing you had some bread and saltines. also, you could write about this in one of your LAST TWO journals! see you in class