Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Day at the Hospital

Here are some pictures from my day at the hospital. The hospital was really good today. I hung out with Kinsey and also with Rhett for part of the time. We were in charge of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors of the hospital. We visited and played with Marion first. He is such a cute little guy! He is actually from the orphanage and he’s been at the hospital for a couple of days now. I think he has some kidney problems, but I don’t know for sure. He is so cute and obviously a favorite of the nurses and even the other patients on the floor. Today this mom shared a little cookie with him. He was so happy!

After we played with the cutie for a while, we went and found this 6 year old girl named Alexandra. This was the first time I met Alexandra. She has some leg problems that are genetic, so she was stuck in a crib. We gave her 2 balloons (the first one was orange, but then she requested a pink one), 6 pink stickers she chose herself (we’re thinking that her favorite color is pink), some paper we all colored on, and lots of hugs. She kept asking us for hugs and she gave us kisses on the cheek when we left.

After playing with Alexandra we went and found little Pamela. She is 2 months old and I still don’t totally understand where her mother is. It is hard to figure out what’s going on or what happened to some of the patients because I’m not totally fluent with my Romanian… yet. Haha! I wonder if I will ever get close to that point with the language. But Pamela was adorable! We changed her and fed her today. Pamela wasn’t totally interested in the food in her bottle; she just wanted to suck on it. I hope she eats more later!

I really enjoy going and working at the hospital. We just get to spend our time playing with kids and holding babies! How fun! Its crazy how attached we get to the kids. We always want to go to the same floors to see our kids. Oh and an update on Fabion… I went to go see how he was doing yesterday and the nurses said that he had gone home. So I guess that’s good news, but I did really miss seeing him and spending time with the little guy.


jeremy said...

those kids are so cute!! and so are you!! keep having fun love!! I love you!

Barb said...

Ohh the kids are so cute.. can you bring me one home! You are cute too. xo mom