Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Tour!

Today we got to go see the orphanage. It was a lot nicer and cleaner than I thought it would be. It really looks like it could be in the United States. They do a really good job at maintaining it and keeping it really nice. I was nervous at first to go, but now that I have been inside and seen the rooms, I am really excited to go back! There are a lot of really cute kids there and a lot of others that need a lot of help. I’m excited to start working and figure out what room I’m in. There are three rooms: Donald Duck which has all the babies with severe problems (also called Isolation), Mickey Mouse which has some young toddlers that have disabilities, and Bambi which has the older kids with disabilities. There are also a couple of apartments that have higher functioning kids from the orphanage in them. One is Dancu and the other is Dacia. We can only go to Dacia in the afternoon, so a couple of us could go there instead of going to the hospital in the afternoon. Two of us from the group will be assigned to each room and also the Dancu apartment. We can kind of pick and choose where we want to go and my first choice would be Mickey Mouse and then maybe Donald Duck. They are all so cool though, so where ever I end up will be wonderful I am sure. We had a tour today and we start working there tomorrow.
Alicia and I also went to the hospital with Robby today for a couple of hours. He can only take two at a time for the next couple of days. While we were there we went to the different floors and asked if there were any kids there that didn't have moms, if they said yes, we would go to the kids and then change their diapers and play with them for a little while. Then we would go to a new floor and do the same thing. We bring our own diapers, wipes, and toys for the kids.

Diapers are just as expensive here as they are in the States and we would love to be able to have enough diapers for all the kids without moms, so if anybody is interested in donating money for us to purchase more diapers, just get a hold of my mom and we can figure it all out. Any help would really be appreciated... Thank you!


The Pili Aiga said...

Hey Katie :)
so I still read your blog every day, but haven't had a ton of time to comment. I love the experience you're having and hope it goes so well. keep the posts and pictures coming....not only are you getting your education, but you are truly doing the Lord's work.

Rich said...

hey love! That sounds like you are going to have so much fun with the kids! What a great thing you are doing! I can't wait to hear all about it! I love you! Jeremy

Unknown said...

how fun! your so adventurous katie!