Thursday, September 18, 2008

What a good day!

I'm a happy girl!

Today, I got a package my mom sent me and a card from Riley today! I got home from the orphanage and Mario had come and left the package for me on my bed! Mario is a Romanain lady that is employed by BYU to make sure we are ok over here. I was so excited to open it… but I kind of wanted to save it so ate lunch first and then I opened it. Everything my mom put in it was so perfect! The frosting, the peanut butter, the fruit snacks, the suckers, the granola bars, the brownie and cake mixes, and the water bottle! Everything was just so perfect! My mom just knows me so well and she sent me the things that I have been missing the most (a quick fruit snack here or there, etc)! I seriously have the best mom ever! If there was some big competition for the best mom, then my mom would win for sure! I’m so grateful that she sent it! The package got here in just under two weeks and I got it right before my birthday which is tomorrow!! YAY! My mom is the best! I love her!
The orphanage was good today. The little babies slept most of the time that we were there, so I played with the bigger kids today and massaged their joints and tried to move their limbs around so that they will get stronger. I didn’t think that I would have as much fun with the bigger kids, because at first I was kind of scared of them. They have more severe disabilities and I wasn’t sure what I was allowed to do with them or if I would accidentally hurt them or something. They are also easy to ignore because they just sit there and rarely cry. But spending just 10 minutes with Monica totally changed how I felt. I really enjoyed spending time with her and then I realized that these bigger kids need just as much love and attention as the little babies do. It was so nice to spend some time with her and I was amazed at how quickly I came to really care for her. I am so excited to be working in the Isolation Room… the kids just need so much love.
The hospital today was so good. I was with Rhett and we were in charge of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors. On the 3rd floor we found this boy that was about 5 years old without a mom. This little boy was so banged up! He had an IV in his hand and one in his foot, a tube up his nose, and he had a breathing mask on too. He had a splint on his right arm and gauze taped all over him, especially on his head and shoulder. He was covered with a big blanket, but he was shivering and he had sweat all over his face. It was so sad… Me and Rhett didn’t know what we could do at first. We sat next to him and I just lightly touched his face while Rhett rubbed his hand that was clenched in a fist. We just tried to talk to him a little bit and comfort him whenever he started to cry. He looked like he was in so much pain. I just wanted to pick him up and hold him close to me. He kept shivering and he would just cry so hard sometimes. It was so sad, but I was so glad that I could be there and offer him the little comfort and friendship that I could. I just sat there and prayed that he would be comforted and somehow know how much his Heavenly Father loved him. We stayed with him for about an hour and a half and it was so hard to leave him there without anyone to watch over him. But we went and checked our other floors we were in charge of. We found another boy on the 5th floor and he had something wrong with his back… that’s what the nurses told us...we think… they were speaking Romanian and we aren’t fluent yet. Ha! Anyways… Rhett and I played with him. He was 8 years old and he was so cute. We blew bubbles for a long time and then Kinsey came and joined us and we played with a balloon for a while. It was a lot of fun. We talked to him a little bit in our broken Romanian and found out that he likes to play tennis and he doesn’t like basketball. We stayed with him for the rest of the time and at 5 o’clock we all met on the 1st floor to come home.
On the way home, Rachel and I decided to make something good for dinner and so we made German Pancakes! They were so delicious! We even made our own syrup! I am going to come back from Romania and I will be all domesticated and such and I will know how to cook so many things! We are planning on cooking meals quite a bit as an apartment! Tomorrow though we are going to get Chinese food… because it’s my BIRTHDAY! YAY! and it’s a Friday! How perfect! I found out where a good Chinese food place was last night from someone in the ward, so I am really excited to go check it out!
So today was such a good day! I am so blessed to be able to have this type of experience. I am so lucky to be the one that gets to love these kids for even a short time. I hope that while I am working here that I can help these kids realize that they are children of God and that he knows them each individually and cares for each of them, too. They have such sweet spirits and I am excited to serve them and get to know them better. I feel like I really can’t explain how I happy I am to be doing this. I just get the most amazing feeling when I’m holding them. I know that Heavenly Father watches over them and I can feel the love He has for them. I am so blessed to be a part of their world!


Barb said...

I am so glad it came before your birthday!!! Enjoy! xo mom

jeremy said...

You are doing such good things! They will be forever grateful for you! I love you!

Lisa Mc said...

You are making a big diference in these childrens lives!! I am so glad you got your birhtday package! Have a happy birthday!! I will agree with you your mom is the worlds best mom!!! she is a great friend to.

Leslie said...

Wow - that made me cry!! What a wonderful experience! How fortunate we all are!! Thanks for sharing.

Brett and Heather said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!!

The Pili Aiga said...

wiping away a tear....what a great experience. I know I've said it a million times, but you are experiencing something remarkable. Poor little heart hurts for them. I'm so glad you are there to love them for a while :)