Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm Busting Outta Here

The doctor came in today and told us that we could go home on Monday! Yay! I am so excited! The hospital here has been great... but come on... its a hospital. I can't wait to get back home. Well going home is actually very bittersweet. For almost a year now I have been applying, preparing, and waiting to go to Romania. It makes me so sad that my experience was cut short. Part of me wants so badly to go back to Iasi. I want to go work with the little babies again. I want to walk into the room and see little Ovidiu looking up at me with his eyes begging me to pick him up. I want to get frustrated with him because he is the hardest baby to feed in the world, and then remember that I came there just to love him and it doesn't matter how long it takes for him to eat. I want to blow bubbles with Marion for hours and color with Alexandra even though she never likes my pictures. I want to let Catalina play with my hair even though she always ends up ripping a ton of it out. I want to change the diapers of the little babies there that have been abandoned and need my love even if I can only hold them for an hour. I will miss Iasi and my experience that I started there and didn't get to finish. I am so grateful that I got to serve the kids in Iasi for the short time I was there. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. I hope the rest of my group will love and serve those kids with all their hearts, because I won't be able to.


Brett and Heather said...

YEAH!!! Katie is coming home.
(But, bittersweet I'm sure.)

jeremy said...

Hey lovey! I'm so excited to see you! I'm sorry you weren't able to stay in Romania as long as you wanted. Those kids that you loved and played with will be forever grateful for your smiling face and tender love that showed toward them! I'm sure that they miss you just as much as you miss them. I can't wait to see your smiling face!

Robby said...

If it's not possible, it's not possible, but we could probably still use your help and we'll miss you. I've been going into isolation a couple days this week and I gotta say I haven't got a clue what your kids like yet. Thanks for caring so much while you were here. That's the most valuable thing you could do.

Anonymous said...

Hello Katie,
I want you to know that I admire you and your classmates for the wonderful work with the Romanian children. Perhaps they are receiving more love and affection through your classmates (you included) than they will ever have again, save that of Heavenly Father. I firmly believe that the experiences of Iasi will reward you for the rest of your life. That kind of service to children adds depth to one's character. I, for one enjoyed your descriptions of the work and the portrait of the children that you painted with your words. I felt good in side every time I read your blog. I'm actually quite lucky because I will get to read your blog for the next fifty years and the children receiving your love and attention will be your own.
I'm relieved that you are safe & sound both physically and spiritually. I'm super excited to see you. I have missed you. Your Mom, is my best friend and the love of my life. I couldn't have been more blessed by Heavenly Father. I can hardly wait for Monday night.
I Love you Katie, Dad