Monday, May 4, 2009

"relax to the max" trip revisted

so.... hawaii was a blast to say the least. our hotel was awesome. right on the beach with a sweet pool and nice rooms. we did nothing while we were there and we loved every minute of it. our daily schedule: wake up, eat cereal, walk on the rocks looking for wildlife (aka crabs), chill at the pool, eat lunch, play cards, watch some espn, chill at the pool, play cards, shower, walk into town, eat dinner, eat dessert, buy stuff (shirts, chocolate, sunscreen,etc.), walk back to the hotel, play cards, go to bed. it was the life. because of the time change we couldn't sleep past 6 in the morning and we were dead dog tired by 8. we are quite the party-ers. the manager kept wanting us to come in the office and schedule some "activities" but we were too excited to lay in the sun and swim. i am proud to say that i am tan! woohoo! dinner every night was so fun. every restaurant was right on the ocean and the food was great. loved it. we played skip-bo like it was our job and i think i won the most hands. woot woot! i had so much fun. jeremy is hilarious, i love him. hawaii was great!


Harrison and Christine said...

Skip-bo is the best :) I'm glad you had fun, I'm toooootally jealous!!

Katie Muir said...

We're glad you guys had a fun trip and made it home safely! Fun pictures!!

The Pili Aiga said...

Okay, I'm officially jealous :0) Is it the bomb there or what? I love Hawaii more than glad you guys had a great trip. You are too cute together!

darci said...

hawaii is the best and being somewhere tropical with your husband is even better!