Monday, January 18, 2010

who knew?

ok... so remember this post?

i was debating whether to stay with side-swept bangs or take the plunge and go with blunt bangs. everyone who voted said go for the blunt bangs. jeremy was a little skeptical of the change, but he is pretty much skeptical of any change, so i cut them (scratch that... i went to a professional and she cut them). i liked them and i thought jeremy did, too (he said they looked good when i asked him).

well, recently jeremy has confessed that he misses my forehead. true story. he just cracks me up. i was also kind of tired of pretending that my forehead didn't exist, so i am on my way to side-swept bangs once again. thanks for the adventure blunt bangs. maybe i can experiment with you again in the future... but for now i shall stay with the trusty side-swept bangs.

who knew my forehead was so attractive?

p.s. i think it is hilarious that i feel the need to blog about my hair.

1 comment:

Kersey said...

you have to bog about your hair because it is lovely! And yes, your forehead is quite attractive!