Saturday, March 6, 2010

you gotta nickel?!

not anymore!

last night jeremy and i searched through our change jar to
find all our nickels and then we headed to nickel city.

after shooting some hoops (and bad guys) and winning 323 tickets (i hit two jackpots!) we
cashed it in for some prizes. i picked out the pink rabbit's foot and jeremy got the "tricky
triangle"game. sadly, they were out of fake tattoos.

funny quote of the night: while jeremy was playing the basketball game, a little girl watching
said to me "he should be in the NBA." haha. yeah, he's almost that good. well, we took
advantage of the hand sanitizer at the exit before we left and then headed home with our loot.

it was a fun night.


Katie Muir said...

Sounds like you guys had a fun time- I miss that place!!

Jessica said...

You guys are so fun! What a funny, cheap date night idea.

Bri {collected} said...

I've been meaning to hit up Nickel seems like it's better than the Nickelcade! Perhaps more than 40% of the games might actually work at Nickel City!?

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad I have another blog to read!