Monday, January 10, 2011


was wonderful. i LOVE it... i really do. can i go back??

we arrived late at night... but not so late that i went to bed right away.

the boys interviewed, so the girls (amber and i) meandered around the city until we found ourselves shopping. it was great. we met the boys later and had dinner.

we started the morning with donuts and hot chocolate, watched some kids fall while ice skating on the pond, and followed the freedom trail (the red line) until our tired leggies couldn't carry us any farther.

the cemetery was so cool... check out the skulls on the headstones.

lunch in the italian district... glorious idea.

we saw so many historical sights... cool stuff.

i bought the cool hat for $10 from the sweetest man. he's my favorite. tufts dental school is on the right... it's pretty cool. it has orange stairs- i told jeremy it was a sign: we have to move to boston! if we do though... i am upgrading my winter gear!

we slowly made our way back to utah. it only took 12 hours. we are glad to be home and hoping we won't need to take any cross-country flights for a little while.


April said...

bow fun! love the bed flying pictures! i'm so glad you're back! we need to play!

Amy said...

OH DUNKIN DONUTS!!! i love dunkin donuts. nothing in utah compares. just think -- you could enjoy their donuts (namely their boston cream pies) weekly. mmmm.....

kristy said...

i love boston!! i finally just posted out boston trip from november. you might notice some similar pictures!