Friday, February 18, 2011

hope i don't drown

today i took the plunge and signed up for the utah valley 1/2 marathon.
after reading sheena's post on running... i knew i could do it.

i am excited and nervous at the same time. when i think of the t-shirt and medal they give me when i finish... i get way excited. when i look at the map of the course and think about how long it is... i get way nervous. luckily, i have some buddies that are running it with me. we can do it guys!

i have raced in only one other race and it was a 5k. so this is a bit of a challenge! 13.1 miles... AAAHHHHHHH!!!! what have i done?!? good thing it's not until june 11th!

any running advice from you pros out there?
i need all the help i can get. seriously.


Erica said...

hey, that's fantastic! You are gonna kick that race's hiney, assuming that races have hineys.

Jessica said...

You'll do awesome!! You've got some excellent preparation time in and you're already in really great shape! Just listen to your body. Scott trained for the Utah Valley full marathon last summer and everytime he pushed his body further than he knew he should, he ended up with injuries and set backs in training. Just be smart and pay attention to that body of yours!


You will do fantastic! And you'll be amazed at some of the people who actually run it. My only advice, is to not just run, but check out the terrain and train on similar courses. For example, if there is lots of down hill, be sure to do some down hill training. And, of course, the same with up hill. It's totally fun, and you'll love it! Go Katie! Go Katie! Go Katie!

Mandy said...

Do your long runs with someone else. Makes them so much easier. I run on my own in the week but always do my Saturday runs with my friend.

Sarahf said...

It must be International Week of Crazily signing up for Marathons. I just applied for the Osaka marathon. I have the exact same feelings as you. Nervous and excited. Let's do it!

Jill said...

You can do it! Start up slowly, and don't push your mileage too fast. Trust me, it stinks to have to sit out a race because you are injured.