Saturday, March 19, 2011

a couple of things


my bracket is ROCKING! who knew?! i'm either in first or tied for first in all three of the groups i'm in. for my family's group the winner gets a $25 gift card to where ever they want... so hopefully my predictions will continue to be accurate. oh, and can we have a shout out for those cougars?! woot woot! except for i have them losing their next game, so i hope they are happy with their accomplishments thus far.

i am in VEGAS! i arrived this morning and i'm here for a whole week (don't worry guys, my out of office auto-reply email is soooo professional. aka BORING). i'm just hanging out and watching my little brother, who's 18, while the parentals are away - you know, since i'm such a responsible adult. i will be a stay at home mom for the next week with a "child" who is completely self-sufficient. so we are just having fun! be expecting another dance video soon. we have finalized the song and have some ideas for the location. i don't know who will be in charge of the camera work since j's not here to be in on the fun, but we will figure something out.

i miss you already jeremy... especially since rye ditched me tonight to go to some big, formal dance. apparently, it's all the rage these days for these high schoolers. but i hope you survive without me. don't forget about the homemade lasagnas in the freezer!

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