Saturday, December 3, 2011

the tale of our very first christmas tree

it started with the debate...tree or no tree? real or fake?

a fake tree seemed like it wouldn't be an option because we don't really
have a place to store it - although it would be nice to have a tree last longer
than one year. a real tree would require the purchase of lights and then it dies and
makes a mess, so the money didn't seem worth it. with such a busy week, we would
have to wait until the weekend to buy it and then we would only be around
to enjoy it for two weeks. by yesterday morning, i had resigned myself
to the idea that we wouldn't be getting a tree this year.

fast forward to last night, we are at target looking for an ornament
to buy for a christmas party and we wander over to the trees. lo and behold...
a $25 4-foot lit Norway pine calls out to us.
the heavens almost parted
because of it's glory. its adorable, already has lights on it, and it's a christmas tree!
we love the little gem so we check the box and it can definitely fit in the back of
some closet... and jeremy asks, "should we get it?!?" and of course i say, "YES!"
and start squealing with excitement before jeremy reminds me of where we are.
i hurry to round up an unattended cart and claim the perfect tree as our
very own before we can change our minds.

our very first christmas tree!

it has nothing on it but the lights it came with... we love it!