Thursday, January 5, 2012

the blues

do you got 'em?

i call them the post-christmas blues... because who wants christmas to end??
NOT I! its a sad day when i realize christmas is over.

anyways... the blues. they are rough sometimes.

when i went to work on tuesday the whole morning i was thinking, why the heck am i doing this? why do we live so far away from family? maybe we should move back... i don't really need to go to school. do i even like this? why am i here?...

and then i met with my client that i hadn't seen for two weeks. and then i remembered...

i remembered that i love what i do. i remembered the hopes, dreams, and aspirations i have for myself. i remembered that i can be brave and do hard things. i remembered that life is really wonderful and that i am so lucky. i remembered that i am EXACTLY where i am supposed to be.

and that is how the blues were conquered - a good phone call to the fam helps too. how are you battling the january blues? starting a new hobby? painting your nails every week? what helps you?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i get the February blues. I know you got married in feb, and trav's birthday & valentines day is in feb, but I seriously hate that month the most! haha