Tuesday, February 21, 2012

40 day fast

lent starts tomorrow.
(and goes until easter. don't know much about lent? more info here.)

what are you giving up??

i am giving up two things this year.

first, i am giving up weighing myself.
i hate how the number on a scale can have so much sway on my mood and overall feelings about myself. the number shouldn't matter, i know that, but it's hard not to rely on something that quantitative when it comes to assessing health and fitness. i need to focus more on how i feel and actually look instead of relying on a number. hopefully, giving up the scale for 40 days will help with that. however, i also secretly hope that when i do weigh myself again after easter, the number will be lower. i know... i'm just terrible.

second, i am giving up candy. i have kept to eating desserts and sweets only on the weekends, but when the weekend hits i feel like i go a little crazy. so instead of cutting out all desserts, i am going to focus on not eating candy and reigning myself in on the weekends a little bit more. jeremy says eating no sweets and desserts effects him too much, because then we don't make delicious things on the weekends... so candy it is. i'm hoping i learn to appreciate homemade goodies more than the over-processed junk i tend to gravitate towards to get a sugar fix.

no eating candy or using the scale until easter! we'll see how this goes.


April said...

such good ideas - you amaze me!!

Amanda Orfanos said...

I love the idea of not weighing myself for 40 days. I'm definitely stealing that!

Nicole said...

i do the same thing where i don't eat sweets during the week. but then when the weekend hits, watch out! props to you for reigning yourself in, i need to do the same