Wednesday, March 28, 2012


guess what team??

i have discovered that i like grapes.
yes sir!

i know they aren't vegetables, but i still think it is something to celebrate because now i like eight fruits instead of just seven. (count 'em: strawberries, bananas, oranges, peaches, pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, and GRAPES)

i have tried grapes a few times over the last couple of weeks and when i had eaten about six of them i realized that maybe i like them. so i bought some of my own to eat. they are pretty good. the juice inside is delicious... but i really don't care for the skin. how do you get past that? it's the worst when i have enjoyed and swallowed the delicious part, but i'm still gnawing on the skin. yuck! i'm still eating them though, i think i just need to get used to the skin because i'm not going to take the time to peel my grapes.


Rachel said...

when I was little, I'd peel the skin off. I got used to it though, and now peeled grapes seriously gross me out. I recently read that it takes twenty times trying a new food before you will like it. So, there's hope for your veggies if you keep trying! :)

April said...

way to go! :) I still like the texture of peeled grapes, but I eat grapes the normal way too. Grapes are one my FAVORITE fruits! I used to eat them by the bag-full! :)

lizzie said...

eat them with a little cheddar cheese. even better :)

Kayde said...

freeze them and they are amazing