Monday, October 8, 2012

spiritual notes from the weekend

warning: there's a bunch

pledge allegiance to the Gospel of Christ, not the media, politics, etc
Know it! Live it! Love it!
the Holy Ghost knows and loves me and teaches truth of all things
pay attention to my heart
in trials, pray for my heart to change
look forward with hope, not back with despair
love deepy, love eternally
i'm a member of Christ's restored church
do i wear a badge of busy? stop glorifying busy
cherish those i love by spending time with them
God knows things about me I don't know about me
discipleship is the path to our best selves
we determine our happiness, not external circumstances
happiness is available all of the time
we cannot take for granted one single day
place my marriage as my highest priority
our daily acts of service can transform the world
do you believe in this book? YES, SERGEANT INSTRUCTOR!
come unto Christ, and offer your whole soul
would you sell your soul for a nickel?
with self-justification of petty sins, satan can steal our souls
we are to separate ourselves from our sins - big and small
God is mindful of each of us and will never forsake us
my testimony is my greatest possession, my soul's greatest treasure
we must renovate ourselves to become a place for God to dwell
treasure, protect, and strengthen my faith
whatever I do, don't step away from God during my trials
the Lord's way is higher than the world's way
trials need not be spiritually fatal
we have a responsibility to protect children
marriage is not a mere contract, it is an eternal covenant
God cares deeply for my happiness
we all need the atonement to escape darkness
first observe, then serve
what is essential is invisible to the eye
take time to be still
when everything seems to fail, Christ will not fail me
"I need disciples forever."
labor and serve loyally
the more we act on inspiration, the more errands will be entrusted to us
our prayers are always answered
do not feel afraid or inadequate in serving God
become a more Christian Christian
Christ spent his days serving others
do the things that have eternal consequence
spiritual growth doesn't come all at once
take one step closer to the Savior
with God's help nothing is impossible
if we need help, ask for it in prayer
the future is as bright as my faith
do i work for worldly treasures or heavenly treasures?
discipleship is all about doing and becoming
what do I think about during the sacrament?
take the sacrament with great thought
a testimony is not sufficient to provide spiritual strength, need conversion of my whole soul
conversion is constant devotion to God
set aside cherished weapons of rebellion
take messages into my heart and life
be of good cheer! the Lord loves us and is mindful of us

wasn't general conference the BEST!?

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