Wednesday, March 12, 2014

candy is good for my soul

this morning i went to my lovely dietician's office. 

she had me record everything i ate for three days so she could see what vitamins i'm not getting, etc, etc.  well, she was not very pleased with my food choices.  i averaged one veggie and two fruits per day and lots and lots of candy. 

i love my candy.  and since there are so many things i can't have (sooooo many things seem to be glutenous these days), having a stash of candy that i can have gets me through the day.  milk duds, jelly bellies, and cadbury mini eggs make up my current stash. yum yum yum!

needless to say, she encouraged me to increase my fruits and veggies and cut back on the sugar.  on the way home, i stocked up on supplies for spinach smoothies.  that way i'm getting the nutrients and don't have to taste the greens.  i also bought some broccoli to try and cook up. so here we are again, trying to find veggies i can stand to eat.  luckily, i was only planning on seeing her a couple of times to get me on my feet with the celiac stuff and i don't have any future appointments.  i don't want continuous lectures on eating veggies.

fruit update:  i recently branched out to include apples in my realm of foods i eat... gala apples to be exact.  so my fruits are expanding like wildfire!  i will consider it my food victory for the month.

1 comment:

Victoria and Brad Gerhardt said...

What about dried fruit or fruit leather? That tastes pretty much like candy, right:)