after a lovely easter in baltimore, we arrived back in boston this morning at about 8:00. the boston marathon was
going on and i just had to be there. even for just a short time, i wanted to be with the city. thinking back to last year brings all sort of emotions up. i still have a voicemail saved from sammy asking me if i was safe. i tried to talk myself out of it... since we were up early for our flight, i had to work until 8:30 pm, and jeremy didn't want to join the crowds of spectators. however, as soon as we landed in the city, i knew i had to go.
so i did.
so i did.
jeremy dropped me off at the t a few
hours before work so i could check out the marathon without having to
worry about a place to park the car and then i would take the t all the way to
work (south of the city). i walked around the complicated
barriers, made it through the multiple security checkpoints (new this
year), landed at the finish line, and took it all in.
it was such a beautiful sight. we cheered on the incoming runners for their amazing physical feats. we applauded our police force for securing our safety and the volunteers for making it all possible. each time the crowd cheered, i had to blink back the tears that came to my eyes. we can heal. there is good in the world. light conquers darkness. everytime.
i love this town through and through.
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