Saturday, November 1, 2014

november letters

dear november,
wow, you're here already. time certainly flies.  you come bearing the holiday season, which is always fun.  may you be filled with hand-drawn turkeys and pumpkins galore.

dear gratitude,
you are the real key to happiness. a grateful heart can alter any situation.  i love that this whole month is dedicated to increasing our thankfulness.  let's make sure we make the most of it. 

dear pumpkins,
i'm glad you get to stick around after halloween.  skully is all moldy at this point and will be going in the trash.  but at least we have two others that are holding up quite well on our windowsill.  i am loving what they add to the room. 

dear thanksgiving,
you have morphed into one of the weirdest traditions, which happens to also be one of my favorites.  like in years past, we will be enjoying our turkey dinner at one of our favorite restaurants on newbury street.  no work and all play around these parts sometimes.  

dear black friday,
maybe i will join in the madness.  maybe i won't.  i can't decide if i love the deals and the craziness or if the consumerism frenzy is more disgusting (maybe too strong of a word?) especially right after a day that is supposed to be the epitome of giving thanks.  i guess i have some time to think that one over.

dear leaves,
keep it coming.  it's been beautiful so far.  i keep picking up the colorful treasures and keeping them until they wilt.  what a treat!

xoxo, katie

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