Sunday, August 30, 2015

Date Night

One of Jeremy's coworkers, Julie, has a band: the Julia Shea Band. So we went down to Bennington to watch her work her magic last night.  We found that they have quite the following. The evening was just lovely.  The weather was ideal, we had tasty treats (Jeremy had some cinnamon sugar chips, I had a delicious cream soda complete with great words to live by), and we sang along with fun live music.

And some dancing of course... I couldn't just sit there!!

We stopped on the roadside to watch the moonrise from the mountains on the way home... and it was AMAZING!  And then we stopped at our local Arlington dairy bar and I got a strawberry marshmallow shake - so gooood.  The chocolate marshmallow shake is also to die for, so I have decided anything mixed with marshmallow cream is just the best. Now you know... you can thank me later.  So we will chalk all of that goodness up to a date night success! Life is just wonderful.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Fun date, I am not surprised you danced! xoox