Monday, September 21, 2015

Best Day of the Year


Jeremy surprised me with a date to civilization about an hour away in Albany, New York.

We went to P.F. Changs for dinner!  I was so happy because I love Chinese food on my birthday and they are wonderful with gluten free.  After a lovely dinner of lettuce wraps and ginger chicken, we wandered Target for a while.  It feels like it has been an eternity since I have been to Target, I loved it. We have sure gotten used to the calm Vermont life, because it felt like there were just so many people and so many cars everywhere in Albany. 


{Birthday self portrait at 27}
Last year's here.

On Saturday, my birthday (woot woot!), Jeremy had to work 1/2 the day.  So I decided to climb Mount Equinox in the morning.  I have climbed it twice this summer and it's a tough and beautiful hike.  My legs scream at me for days... it feels wonderful.  I hiked it solo and I love hiking solo.  It gives me time to think, reflect, pray, and go at whatever pace I want.  Plus I get to eat all of the trail mix!

I tried to pay attention to my senses as I hiked to be fully present in the moment.  I could hear the wind bustling through the leaves.  I could hear my heart beating fiercely when I stopped to re-hydrate, the birds chirping and the chipmunks chatting. I could feel the muscles in my legs hard at work.  I was taking in the beauty around me and trying to dodge the falling acorns.  I got pelted by one in the first 10 minutes of the hike, no joke!  The higher I climbed the more numerous and colorful the fallen leaves became as they crunched under my feet.  It was just what I wanted.  I will tell you everyday and especially on my birthday, Mother Nature is my homegirl.

I sat at the top for quite a while taking pictures, journaling, eating trail mix, and chatting with fellow hikers.  I met a couple that was celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary and we decided it certainly was the best day of the year.  It really was a gorgeous day, and everyone I met agreed.  Perfect for hiking a mountain.  I found myself praying as I hiked down, thanking God for the beauty in my life. 

Here I am at the top of the mountain feeling like a million bucks!!  Crushed it.

After I hiked my heart out, I went to Cilantro for lunch in Manchester.  I love that place.  It's a local place similar to Chipotle, but better (at least in my humble opinion).  I enjoyed my delicious salad with grilled chicken at one of the tables outside so I wouldn't stink the place up.  

Then I returned home to BALLOONS which totally made my day.  Thank you Courtney!  I showered, took a nap, and waited for Jeremy to join in the fun.  After he got home we opened some presents and then he took me shopping at the Banana Republic Outlet.  He knows what I love. 

After a very successful shopping outing, we went to our friend's for a barbecue.  We had a variety of kebabs that were super tasty.  I brought two versions of my favorite Wafer Cake, one gluten free and one regular which I decided to make mint flavored.  They sang to me and made me feel so loved as I blew out 27 candles!  And then we dug in and the cake was a hit, as always!  I love this family tradition of mine... Wafer Cake is the best.

We finished the night eating milk duds and staying up way too late watching the BYU game with friends.  It was such a wonderful day.  I felt so loved by family and friends.  Thanks for making it a special day for me.  I am excited for the great things to come this next year.  I am loving life!

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